Friday, July 19, 2013

Living in Berlin x interview 008

Tatiane 來自巴西北邊的Belém。念建築的她,在巴西念完了大學和進階課程,現在希望能夠在德國念個生態建築的碩士學位。住在wittenberg站,非常繁華的地方啊!交通十分方便(三條地鐵交會/許多巴士),走路就可以去到超市/百貨公司(他笑著說,啊,走路也是ecology的一種!)
Tatiane comes from Belém, Brazil. After finished her university and advanced couse of architecture, she wants to study Ecological Architect in Germany. She lives near Ubahn Wittenberg, such a good place I would say, there are three lines of underground and many buses, she can also just walk to supermarket and department store (she laughed and said: walking is also a way of being ecological!!!) 

因為這次是約在Mauerpark,所以就請她帶一些自己喜歡的或是有意義的東西來,帶來了:貓玩偶/ mate茶/ 生態建築的書。
Because we met this time in Mauerpark, so I asked her to bring something meaningful or she loves. Here are: a stuffed toy, mate (tee), a book about ecological architecture.

Stuffed toy: she has a black cat in Brazil, so, it accompanies her while she misses her cat.

Mate (Tee):  a popular and traditional tee in south america, but in Brazil, only in southern states (a friend from Argentina also recommended it once). To drink it you need a special straw(looks like a filter), with really hot water, while drinking, do not mixed them all at a time, the other side must stay like it used to be. I tried, and then the leaves stucked on the straw....the flavor is not really strong as I have imagined. 
more information:Mate wiki 

A book about ecological architecture: she've learned about landscape, gardening, and architecture, that's how she began to be interesting in green architecture. Her hometown has no winter, so normally she stayed home to escape from the hot weather(I'll probably do the same thing if I am in Taiwan), but since she lives in Berlin, she start to go out and make picnic when the sun shines, although she is here not a year, but she already have over 10 plants home.


It is totally a coincidence, at first I wanted to study in Swiss, so I flied to Swiss for a half year, but I just don't like there, meanwhile a friend who has lived in Berlin for over 5 years told me that, come here, so here I am.



野餐的話就是Mauerpark和Tiergarten,跳舞和派對就是Warschauer Str這附近吧, Alexanderplatz, Sony Center和Arsenal kino(專播非商業電影) 我也很喜歡, Freiluftkino(露天電影)根本就是酷斃了,這裡有新舊建築物的融合,還有大家直接在公園的草地上脫光(大笑),在巴西這是禁止的,比基尼只能出現在海灘。還有就是這裡很安全,晚一點回家也沒關係,在巴西早早就要回家了,因為治安不太好的緣故。
Picnic: Mauerpark and Tiergarten. Party and Dancing: near Warschauer Str
I also like Alexanderplatz, Sony Center and Arsenal kino (non comercial film), Freiluftkino (outdoor cinema) is just way too cool, besides in Berlin are so many combination between old and new buildings, and people just be nacked in the park (both laugh loud XD), it is prohibited in Brazil, even bikini is only allow to be at the beach. Oh, and it's safe here, I have no fear even when I go home quite late, but I won't never do that in Brazil.

She is also a christian, so she read me her favorite chapter, Psalms 23, in portuguese, though I don't understand a word, but it sounds just good!

德國人愛足球,她也是,她說:Ich liebe Fußball, du musst das schreiben! (我愛足球,這件事你一定要寫!) 我常常跟我爸去看球賽,可是我弟痛恨足球,我們完全是相反的兩個類型,哈哈。
German loves football and so does she. she said: Ich liebe Fußball, du musst das schreiben! (I love football, you must write it in the blog!) I used to go with my dad to the play, but my brother hate it, we are just totally different, haha.


She is the first one who is not afraid of the camera, and she thinks of many funny poses, but after making the photos she said: only put the beautiful photos, please (hahaha), such a cute person! Thanks Tatiane, so that I've learned a little more about ecological architecture (also thanks Ian for my further question about ecological architecture !)

Thank you, Tatiane!

Living in Berlin 
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