Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Living in Tainan x interview 010 : 放放堂店長-微笑大叔/ FUN FUN TOWN in Tainan

Uncle Smile is from Taichung. He is the store manager of FUN FUN TOWN in Tainan.

Why are you here in Tainan?
Ive been asked to move to Tainan around 5 or 6 years ago, and the idea had been in my mind for a while before I put it off for the lack of a specific motivation. Two years ago, I left my job at a company I worked for almost 8 years and started a long vacation of self reflection. A friend in Tainan had heard about my situation, and  invited me over for a summer. That was how I ended up in Tainan. By the end of the vacation, I became a store manager and started my new life here.

Then, do you like Tainan?
Yeah, I like it! Many people prefer Tainan over Taipei, but I like them both equally. Ive spent 20 years in Taipei and discovered many facets of it as a big city. A part of it has the same atmosphere as Tainan, but it is only a part of it, not the whole of it. I am living a more relaxed life here, in line with the slower-paced city and my own tempo, so I guess it suits me better! In addition to what it is known for on the surface, the city seems to carry other faces too. Maybe it has something to do with all the newcomers to the city and the never-ending clashes between old, the new and the newest. Well wait and see.

What would you suggest to people visiting Tainan that they should do here? Where should they visit?
Eat less and walk around more!
Place to visit: in Yantian near Budai, take Provincial Highway 61(West Coast Expressway) to Route 173A. It is the County Highway that comes closest to the sea in Taiwan. You will go past many abandoned salt pans and fisheries, and the desolation feels like being at the end of the world.

How did you end up managing the shop for FUN FUN TOWN in Tainan?
Many of my friends came to visit me in Tainan when I was taking my vacation here, and quickly I became almost a professional tour guide. One day, after saying goodbye to some crazy friends from Xiamen, I was nearly exhausted and desperately needed a good rest, but a part of me was having post-part blues. So I took the suggestion of the friend, who invited me to Tainan and kept saying its something I shouldnt miss, to go to the opening part of FUN FUN TOWN on the same day. That evening, I was invited to the post-celebration dinner and met Oji Masanori, the Japanese designer, who held his exhibition here. I accompanied him as a tour guide in Tainan on the next day. Another month went by, and the owner of FUN FUN TOWN asked me if I wanted to work with them for the store. That wasnt something I had expected at that time, so I asked him to wait until I am done with my summer vacation for a formal response. Later, I accepted the offer and so, here I am.

What are you planning to do in this store?
我在蘑菇工作的時候就擔任過店員了,所以對服務業並不陌生。之後希望可以把這裡的內容再好好規劃一下,讓書有自己的空間。也希望可以弄一個咖啡吧以及一個DJ檯。 雖然現在複合式空間不少,不過我相信這裡還有很多事情可以做。不過還是要有趣好玩啦,不然會枯萎,但節奏感很重要,總之都還在學習啦!台南有一個好處,就是很容易呼朋引伴一起進行一些活動,好比說之前北京的品牌“失物招領”來台南展覽,便是在許多在地朋友幫忙下才能順利完成,大家就像支游擊隊一般,各司其職,任務結束就地解散,挺酷的!
I had experience in the field of retailing when I was a sales at Mogu. In this shop, I plan to reorganize our space so there will be a corner for books, as well as a cafe and a DJ turntable. The idea of a multi-purpose creative space is not new, but I believe there are still rooms for development. Of course it will have to be amusing and  fun, or it will be difficult to survive. Having the right momentum is the most important, and I am still learning on that! One thing thats really nice about Tainan is that friends are always available when needed. It was actually my friends who helped to make our last exhibition Lost & Found from Beijing a success. They are like guerrilla fighters, and they will enter fighting position when theres a mission, but go back to mind their own businesses once everythings over. Thats pretty cool I think!

Basically everything in my shop were picked by the owner of FUN FUN TOWN, so we share a lot of the same merchandise with the shop in Taipei. But since we are located in two very different cities, we have customers of vastly different styles and it is important to make changes and rearrangement according to their feedback. I also recommend to my boss good products that we can sell. For example, that red coffee pot was something that Ive been using for some time, and now we have introduced it to the Tainan store.

「是一家店,不如說是遊樂場;是遊樂場,不如說是生活的實驗室。」 是放放堂官方網站上介紹詞。 我前一陣子也有上臺北逛了一下臺北店,我覺得臺北店的確給我一種遊樂場,氣氛中有一種歡愉的感覺,不過台南店卻好像不是那種感覺,而是比較沉靜一點的。
“ Call us a shop, but we are more appropriately a playground; Call us a playground, but we are more precisely a lab researching on life. It was how FUN FUN TOWN introduced itself in its website. I visited its shop in Taipei a while ago and saw its entertaining, cheerful side. The Tainan branch, on the other hand, seems to be calmer.

Well, we did think about naming the Tainan shop Dian Dian but the idea was rejected out of the confusion it can create with the overall branding. Therefore we decided to call it FUN FUN TOWN in Tainan for simplicity.

Why do you call yourself Uncle smile?
I wanted to keep my privacy. Although my previous job was a writer and editor for Mogu and their publication Booday Zine, the idea of being seen and known by the public frightened me. I had all kinds of pen names in the magazine. In fact, if you ever read the zine and come across many weird and funky name, its probably me.
I started using the name Uncle Smile in around 2003 when I first came to the job as  a writer. I was working on an issue themed Child and needed a pen name and the words Uncle Smile came into my mind. The name feels right for the theme, and is warm with a hint of middle-age bitterness. It sounded a bit like someone from Hong Kong, as they love using the words uncle or aunt to refer to people they respect. It was the first appearance of the name.

As a funny fact, nobody in our office got what I wrote in the issue, but I was praised for my pen name. As time went by, I needed to unify my pen names to make it easier to introduce myself and to take on new jobs or to impress others. I scratched my head in search of a better one but settled on this, since then many started calling me uncle (the short for Uncle Smile) despite I was only in my 30s. But Im old enough to be a real uncle now. (Laughs)

Lets talk about music and how important it is for you!
我聽音樂聽得很雜,但是不精,唯一的優點大概是這個興趣一直不曾間斷過,就是那種我走過的橋,比你吃過的鹽還多的意思,所以才會被朋友抓去寫樂評。聽音樂跟我們理解世界的態度有點像,其實我以前不喜歡電子音樂,不過有一次在一個大學學長的唱片行裡聽到了Aphex Twin化名Polygon Window的專輯《Surfing On Sine Waves》,從此打開了我聽電子樂的大門,所以要保持開放的心迎接未知。Aphex Twin今年出了一張新的專輯 Syro,一樣很酷!很多玩電子樂的人都會取不同的名字,我想我會取不同的筆名,應該多少也是受到他們的影響吧,而且取名字會取上癮!
I listen to a lot of different music, but I am just a casual listener. Its a hobby that I could not put down, so its very likely that Ive listened to more songs than most others, and thats how I started writing albums reviews for a friend. I guess the way we understand the world is similar to the way we enjoy music. In the beginning I just couldnt get electronic music, but it was a trip to my schoolmates record store, which was playing Polygon Window (Aphex Twin)s Surfing On Sine Waves, that opened the world for me. It is just like how we should view the world with an open mind and be able to appreciate new things. By the way, Apehx Twins album Syro is out now and its really cool. Those in electronic music tend to go by name names, so I must have been influenced by them to have many pen names too! Its a real addition!

How would you describe yourself?
That was a tough question! I think I am rather slow in reacting to people, and I prefer not to be noticed or seen. But then I shouldnt be doing this interviewits kind of contradictor, huh? I guess Westerners have better answers for your question?

恩, 也不完全是。不過就我以往訪問的經驗,滿多都算滿清楚自己要做什麼,所以也比較可以描述自己是誰。我覺得可能跟教育還有整個生活環境也有關係吧。他們的家庭關係、教育和我們很不一樣,我們都把時間塞得太滿所以沒有時間思考自己。
Well not exactly. Many of my past interviewees know exactly what they are looking for, so I guess they can describe themselves better. Perhaps its also related to how they were educated and the environment they were raised. Some of them had a very different family and education background and were less busy so they could find time to think more about themselves.

I think I act like Libra, the zodiac sign I am born on. I am always peacefully weighing options from a distance, so some may think I am not passionate enough. I am like a satellite or a UFO, evaluating from afar and taking my time before I am ready to react. I did miss a few opportunities because of this, but thats how I am, really. I have to live in my own pace. Perhaps I will stay hidden like an alien living among humans, and one day I will conquer Earth without anyone noticing!

Date of interview: 2014.11.20
Photography & text: Huiwen Chen  
English text editing: Sanford Poon
放放堂 台南店
700 台南市中西區大新街72巷4號

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