Friday, August 22, 2014


時光印記活字印刷 是一間提供活字體驗的小店。一直都斷斷續續地做著和鉛字相關的事情,不小心發現這裡的時候整個就是歡喜到不行。店裡的鉛字是簡體的,但是和繁體的一樣,都是按照部首排列。不過因為大部份的人都不太會從部首去找字再加上中國主要是用拼音,所以老闆也特地挑出了一些常用的依照英文字母來排列就是了。

Monday, August 18, 2014

「青島印象」小散步 take a walk in Qingdao



Saturday, August 9, 2014

Living in Tainan x Interview 006 : Mon Ga Bagel 的維克

維克是台南人,目前在台南開一間提供輕食和漫畫的店Mon Ga。
Vic comes from Tainan. His cafe and bagel house, Mon Ga, serves light meals with manga.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

「柏林」R.S.V.P - paper goods shop

R.S.V.P 是一間位在柏林Mitte區的紙製品或相關產品專賣店。

R.S.V.P is a shop with all kinds of paper goods which located in Mitte, Berlin. I like the style and the products here, all the products are well selected. You can find beautiful notebooks, pen, paper tape, cards... etc and the boss Meike is very friendly. Be sure to visit here if you are in Berlin!